Impact Ohio is excited to announce that Lt. Governor Jon Husted will be speaking at the 2019 Akron Regional Conference on Tuesday, April 23 at noon at Quaker Station at the University of Akron.
On November 6, 2018, Jon Husted was elected to serve as the 66th Lt. Governor of the State of Ohio. He has had a long and distinguished career in public service, serving as the 50th Secretary of State, 99th Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives, and as a member in the Ohio Senate. After receiving his master’s degree from the University of Dayton, he remained in the Miami Valley and served as the Vice-President for Economic Development at the Dayton-Area Chamber of Commerce.
Throughout his time in elected office, Lt. Governor Husted has demonstrated repeatedly his ability to get things done that have a positive impact on Ohio and its residents. As Secretary of State, he made it his mission to make Ohio the best state in the Midwest to do business by improving customer services and reducing wait times for entrepreneurs. He reduced the cost for starting a business in Ohio by 21 percent — making Ohio the least costly state in the Midwest to start and maintain a new business.
Of all his responsibilities, Lt. Governor Husted considers his most important role as that to be a loving husband to his wife Tina, and father to Alex, Katie and Kylie.
We look forward to having Lt. Governor Husted at the conference to discuss issues that are important to the state and to the Akron region.

Vivien McClain Photography